Saturday, May 4, 2013

Elliott wave analysis on Facebook - Inverted S/H/S activated for a rally to at least 31.14


We have seen a break above the inverted S/H/S neckline 27.75 and the formation is now activated for a rally higher towards towards 31.14. However, I don't think a rally to 31.14 will be enough as that would leave a top below the former top at 32.26. I would expect the ongoing wave 5 to continue higher towards 34.04, where wave 5 will be 61.8% the distance traveled from the bottom of wave 1 to the top of wave 3. Short term a retest of the neckline should represent a nice buying opportunity, but remember your stop. I would recommend a stop at 25.55, expecting to move the stop higher quickly.

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